スカパンクバンドSEVEN STEPの物販サイトです

For Japanese
2008年にKEMURI、Less Than Jake、Skankin' Pickleなどに影響を受けベースのHirokiを中心に結成。
結成10年目を迎え、SKA、REGGAEのルーツをしっかり残しつつ東京を代表するSKA PUNKバンドとして発信を続けている。
EAT THE ROCK 2017、SKAViLLE JAPANなどのフェスをはじめ全国各地へ飛び回りLIVEに重きを置き、 刻一刻と変化するシーンに「七色のSKA」を貫き通す。

For Overseas
In 2008, it was formed mainly by Hiroki based on KEMURI, Less Than Jake and Skankin 'Pickle.
In the 10th year since its formation, SKA PUNK has continued its transmission as the SKA PUNK band representing Tokyo, while keeping the roots of SKA and REGGAE firmly.
He travels around the country, including festivals such as SKAViLLE JAPAN, and is active with a focus on LIVE.